Via Cascina Pignone, 2 - 20065 – Inzago (MI) | Tel: +39 02 9531 0921 |

About us

Martesana Recuperi S.r.l. deals with the management of metal scrap in order to reduce its quantity to respect the environment and human health, supporting the concept of sustainable development while preserving present generations without compromising future ones.

For this reason, thanks to our business, we give a second life to “waste” by reintegrating it into the goods
market through a series of processes such as recycling, recovery and disposal. Simplifying the concept, about 200 recycled aluminum cans are needed to make a bicycle.

The management of this “waste” comprises of the collection, transportation, treatment, recovery and disposal, with particular attention to the recovery of recyclable waste through selection and sorting operations carried out by specialised personnel.
At our disposal is a storage facility built on an area of over 7,000 square meters, of which 2,000 square meters are protected from the elements.
The collection and transport are carried out directly at the producing companies, using trucks with loaders for loading the “waste”, or using trucks with roll-off containers that are left on consignment and replaced as needed.
We use the word “waste” with quotation marks because we like the idea that the waste itself is not abandoned, but that in some way is given a second life thanks to our activities
Martesana Recuperi S.r.l. today, thanks to its team and its know-how, it manages to position itself competitively within the market, managing to serve the major Italian and foreign steel mills and foundries.

Specifically, we contribute to the Circular Economy.

By “Circular Economy” we mean a production and consumption model capable of exploiting existing
products and natural resources with the aim of extending their life cycle and reducing their waste.


The circular economy is a model designed to replace the linear economy, which has now become unsustainable especially in environmental terms. The linear economy is based on a short product life cycle, characterized by five stages:

– extraction
– production
– distribution
– consumption
– disposal

Using this type of model, the products have a beginning and an end, their life, in fact, ends in the garbage, where the material becomes waste, unusable for production purposes. This type of activity, in the face of the constant and huge demand for consumer goods, means that raw materials are increasingly scarce. Furthermore, the extraction and disposal processes have a strong impact on the environment and climate.

The Circular Economy is an economic system capable of regenerating itself, designed to give a second life to a product that has finished its function on the market; the latter’s materials, in fact, are recovered, “re-thought” and reintroduced into the economic cycle.

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